Governing Council

The Governing Council is the main organ of the IHRO and its meeting is held annually when it appoints the Secretariat and the Core Group. It consists of not less than twenty one members to be elected at the annual meeting. In addition, all heads of IHRO Chapters shall be ex-officio members of the Governing Council.

Secretariat and Core Group

The Secretariat and Core Group is generally responsible for the fulfilment of the objects of the organization and carry out the mandate as set out by the Governing Council. This set-up consists of not less than eleven members. An IHRO chapter has a similar structure.


All expenses of the organization are met from the funds raised through membership fees and donations. No donation is accepted from any Government or political party or their representatives. Receipts of all funds are against the official receipts of IHRO. Funds are audited every year. Such audited reports are open to inspection by the members.